Jiddu Krishnamurti – What is Meditation (Truth and Actuality)

Saanen 7th Public Talk (July 25’th, 1976). What is Meditation (Truth and Actuality).

DMT, Pineal Gland & The Piezoelectric Effect | Dr Joe Dispenza | Spiritual Motivation


Awareness of inattention is attention | J. Krishnamurti

Awareness of inattention is attention | J. Krishnamurti

Great Lecture: Alan Watts – Masturbation, Religion, And Love [FULL] (WISDOM)

Provided for Educational Purposes.

OSHO: Life Is A Very Mysterious Phenomenon

An Interview – catching glorious moments of spontaneous, joyful and sincere exchanges between Osho and a member of the International Press.

What is Consciousness? What is Its Purpose?

Awareness of inattention is attention | J. Krishnamurti